The Outdoors. N.D

Volunteer Opportunities

Parents of traveling delegates need to serve on at least one standing committee. If you need help getting connected, please e-mail us. Here are some examples of volunteer opportunities:

Please sign up here.

Description of Volunteers Needed
Track receipts and expenditures of Chapter funds
Update Website and Social Media Sites, take photos at events
Help plan and work on hosted programs
Complete mailing to solicit fundraiser ticket sales
Distribute fundraiser tickets
Solicit Silent Auction items for Fundraiser (all families expected to arrange for donation of 1 silent auction item)
Assemble and Display Silent Auction items for Fundraiser
Execute Crises Management Protocol from CISV USA
Plan and Execute refreshments for General Meetings
Collate & Assemble Application Packets for Recruiting Committee
Coordinate Informational Sessions to Recruit Delegates
Contact schools and coordinate presentations to students
Make presentations to civic groups (Rotary, Chamber Councils, etc.)
Network with Like-minded Organizations
Chaperone Junior Branch Events
Help with Chapter store
Determine Annual Budget & Long-Range Hosting Schedule
Complete annual membership and pledge mailing
Collect and Track Applications and References
Read and assess scholarship applications
Plan and facilitate selection fun days
Serve on committee to select delegates, leaders and Jr counselors
Organize and manage the interchange program
Coordinate location for Parent Orientation (after selection)
Assemble paperwork for Parent Orientation (after selection)
Distribute and Collect Health & Legal Forms to Delegates & Leaders
Ask for articles, assemble and distribute monthly newsletter
Solicit Sponsorships from Businesses for Locally Hosted Programs and Traveling Delegations
Draft and distribute press releases about CISV events and contact newspapers, TV stations, radio to cover CISV
Host delegates attending Jax hosted programs for a weekend
Coordinate location for Local Leadership Training
Coordinate volunteers to help with CISV Events
Assist with emails/mailings to prospective parents and youth