
Grow as a Leader: Become a Village JC

Jr. Counselors must be 16 or 17 years old on the day of the departure for the Village

Detroit, Michigan June 29 to June 26, 2018 (Female)

There is a competitive process to be selected for a Junior Counselor positions. To apply, complete the leader application form and get 3 references. These forms are available at http://www.cisvjax.org/leaders/.

Applicants should attend all 3 Village selection events on Saturday, Jan 6 and 20 at Happy Acres Ranch from 9 am to 12 pm and overnight starting at 7 pm on Friday, Jan 26 at RPDS. See apply and selection pages for more info.

Village is a four-week international camp. Each delegation consists of two boys and two girls (age 11) and one adult leader representing 12 nations. In addition, four Staff and six Junior Counselors (JCs) participate in this multi-language camp. Youth who serve as JCs (ages 16-17) lend support to the leader group and provide friendship for 11-year-old delegates.

Teens selected for this role travel to the host nation unaccompanied.

View info from 2016 and 2017 Village Junior Counselor Experience

View 2017 Belgium Village Video and photo album
View 2017 Ohio Village video & photo album
View Finland Village 2016 video and Finland photo album
View Gulf Coast Village 2016 photo album
View Norway Village 2016 photo album

Screen Shot 2013-08-23 at 3.47.42 PMHow to Apply

  1. Complete Staff-Leader Application Form
  2. Forward this online reference form to your reference person and ask them to complete it or print 2 copies of: Leader Reference Form. Ask references to complete and email to [email protected] or mail to CISV address below.
  3. Mail $10 Application Fee (made out to CISV Jacksonville) to CISV address below or click here for paypal.
  4. Attend the Appropriate Selection Event
  5. Attend Local and National Training (dates will be provided after you apply)

If you are selected, there will be a few additional forms, which we will provide.

CISV Jacksonville
1650 Margaret Street, Suite 302 PMB# 279
Jacksonville, FL 32204

If you have questions, please e-mail us.

Reference Form Instructions

  1. One from your present or recent employer, supervisor or principal
  2. One from a person who has knowledge of your ability to work with children
  3. One from an individual that knows you on a personal level

Go ahead and fill in:

  • Applicant’s Information
  • Check Leader box under “seeking appointment as”
  • “In the following CISV programs” write “Village” and fill in host country if known
  • To answer the question “applicant has provided CISV Program and Leadership Description to Referee” as yes, you may give them this Village information.
  • Give them an envelope with the CISV Jacksonville address, so they can send directly to the office.

Application Deadline is January 10, 2016. If programs are not full, applications may be considered after the deadline.


The Jacksonville Chapter of CISV is fortunate to send delegations to represent our community and the United States at CISV Villages in different parts of the world. The Chapter Village Delegation Selection Committee is responsible for determining which children, Junior Counselors and adult leaders will represent our community and our nation.

Requirements for Junior Counselor candidates:

  • Must be 16 or 17 years old on some date between June 1 and August 31 of the year of travel.
  • Is physically and emotionally healthy, and demonstrates self-discipline
  • Is able to be separated from family and friends for four weeks
  • Is responsive to authority
  • Makes friends easily and is readily accepted by others
  • Communicates effectively with adults and peers
  • Assumes responsibility and work within a group
  • Has a positive, flexible personality — able to adjust to differences in schedules, activities, cultures, foods, etc.
  • Enjoys playing games, singing, dancing, etc.
  • Accepts others without prejudice, regardless of race, religion, language or culture
  • Is able to commit significant time (March-June) in preparation for the Village experience

The Selection Committee consists of active members of the Chapter who bring various perspectives and a wealth of expertise to the task. The committee includes past Village delegation leaders, recent Village parents, Village staff members, and members with prior Selection Committee experience. Both men and women are included, representing teachers, counselors, and parents actively involved with youth.

The strength of the selection process lies in the strength of the dedicated members of the Selection Committee. Their experience, expertise and variety of perspectives assure us that the delegations selected will represent our community, Chapter and nation well.

The selection process involves several important factors. No single factor is necessarily more important than the others, but all are considered together in the committee’s decisions:

  • Application and References
  • Two “Play Days” – Three hours on a Saturday, involving games and other activities similar to those experienced in the Village. The Play Days give the committee opportunities to observe the children and the adult leader- and junior counselor- applicants at play and interacting with each other. See Calendar of Upcoming Events for dates.
  • Parent Interviews – Conducted at a mutually convenient time. Both parents should be present to ask questions about CISV and learn all pertinent information about the commitment required for participation. The Selection Committee will learn more about the youth, the family, and the family’s willingness to support the Chapter’s efforts through volunteer assistance with recruiting and serving on committees. Youth participation in the CISV Village program requires a 2-year volunteer commitment on the part of the parents.
  • Overnight – A carefully-structured and supervised “mock” Village environment during which children relate to their peers, junior counselors and adult leaders in CISV games, songs and activities. See Calendar of Upcoming Events for dates.
  • Junior Counselor Candidate Interview – An opportunity for the youth to express his/her feelings about the CISV experience and to ask any questions he/she may have.

Using the preceding selection criteria and selection process, delegations and Junior Counselor selections are formed based on the best judgment of the Selection Committee. Parents are informed of selection results by mail, with a follow-up phone call, within a few days of the Selection Overnight.

The number of applicants varies from year to year, but there are always more highly qualified applicants than there are Junior Counselor positions to fill. For this reason, we hope applicants and families realize that CISV offers much more than just the Junior Counselor Program.

There is a very active Junior Branch that plans CISV-related activities throughout the year. Families also become involved in many local activities that further the ideals of CISV. We encourage all families to get involved and experience the many positive aspects of CISV.

We especially hope that applicants who may not be selected as a Junior Counselor will continue their interest and pursue other CISV program opportunities.